Our broad area of interests include Immunology, Tumor Immunology, Cancer Stem cell Biology and Metastasis. Our present projects are focused on...
1. Protein S- Palmitoylation
Protein S-Palmitoylation is a posttranslational lipid modification, which involves the attachment of Palmitic acid to the cysteine residue (most commonly) of proteins. Palmitoylation is mostly associated with membrane proteins in which palmitoyl group helps for membrane attachment. Palmitoylation and depalmitoylation cycle of different proteins involved in maturation and activity of various tumorigenic/ tumor suppressing/ immune system activating/suppressing proteins. We are interested to look deeply into it.
2. Cancer Stem cells
Cancer heterogeneity was identified about three decades before and found a small population of cells with key features like self-renewal, tumorigenicity and therapy resistance which later called Cancer stem cells or tumor initiating cells. Resistance to therapy is the most important hall mark of Cancer Stem cells. Cancer stem cells were also believed to possess EMT features and increased metastatic potential. We are interested to study cancer 'stemness' and how tumor microenvironment and inflammation can influence it.